Here at Textbook Plumbing and Heating we strive to offer the best and most reliable service 24/7
Our Services
/ Water Heater Repair & Installation
/ Boiler Repair & Installation
/ Bathroom renovation
/ Kitchen Renovation
/ Backflow preventers, pressure reducing valves
/ Gas leaks
/ Water Piping Repair & Installation
/ Troubleshooting leaks in sinks, toilets, faucets, bath tubs, sewer pipes
/ Repair/Replace/Install Plumbing
/ Fixtures
/ Forced air furnace installation and service/repair
/ Radiant heating installation
/ Plumbing and Heating system design for the DIY'er

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Master Plumber
HIC PA#077561
Fully Insured
All Calls will be answered/responded to the same day. No more waiting for the plumber to call back!
Call or text us now at (814)203-2023 for a price estimate
Dunkirk and Pennco boilers
Luxaire forced air furnaces
Gerber and American Standard fixtures
Clarion Bathware
Bradford White and AO Smith water heaters